The infant insert is not a breeze to use initially, but after watching the video many times and experimenting and practicing, I can manage the wearing process without any assistance.
Many skeptics ask if the Ergobaby is too hot for the baby, given Singapore's weather. You know what, the baby in your womb is in a 36.9 degrees celcius environment, isn't that hotter? Having said that, I do take great care to not walk in the hot sun excessively and dress her simply.
The Ergobaby is comfortable and doesn't cause backaches if you use it correctly - that is by having the lower strap strapped to your hips, instead of at your waist. The positioning is also most natural for babies, as the baby is being supported by her sit bones, instead of her crotch. This is a good read for anyone who is considering between the Babybjorn and Ergobaby.